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Coast Football Ramble Podcast

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
If he is given the rights to the stadium, which company will hold them? Will it be CCM or the company that owns the COE?
(I suspect he might be able to get more support if it's CCM)

Big Al

Well-Known Member
What is the process in putting next years team together and who signs off on it.

Does Paulo tell Shaun who he wants and Shaun does the deal including working out the money side or does Paulo play apart and offer a player a approx amount and Shaun deals with the finalisation.

Does Shaun need to get Mike's approval for each player or does Shaun have a fixed financial figure to work with and he can sign anyone he and Paulo deem fit inside that?

Are there any other people involved?

Who is our scouting team?

Everton still a viable partnership? Is there new coach keen like their previous coach was?

His thoughts on Gallop and FIFA enforcing some things on the FFA and them trying to delay.
Does FIFA desires affect he and other A League licences as they are currently 10 years I think?

Would promotion and relegation affect his investment and would he operate differently if it were introduced? E.g. Would he sell or spend more on playing roster as survival would ensure the FFA grant, similar to Premier League TV money is worth so much more than the Championship. In Australia there is no TV for 2nd tier


Well-Known Member
What would he like to ask Wombat, if given the chance? ;)

(Come to think of it, I'm actually only half-joking, I'd be curious to know what specifically he struggles to come to terms with from his stronger protractors... I found the discussion about the NSO move the last time he was on, particularly enlightening for that same reason.)


Well-Known Member
What would he like to ask Wombat, if given the chance? ;)

(Come to think of it, I'm actually only half-joking, I'd be curious to know what specifically he struggles to come to terms with from his stronger protractors... I found the discussion about the NSO move the last time he was on, particularly enlightening for that same reason.)
That's actually a good point. He'd know he has his critics, what message does he have for them? What is it that the doubters don't get?


Well-Known Member
See if you can get the audio of Slater's comments during last weekend's game and play them for him (I think there was a clip posted in the Members page on FB)
Ask him his reaction to the comments, and ask him his opinion of Fox's commentary on the Mariners in general. Does he think it's balanced, does he think there are some comentators that have agenda's against the club, and if so, why?
P.S. Speaking only on my behalf, tell him he's doing a bloody good job under very trying circumstances.

Add to that Forum Phoenix's point about Slater, Rudan and Moss continually trash talking what is essentially 10% of a Fox Sports product. Will Mike take up the issue of their gross unprofessionalism of running their own personal vendettas to the detriment of the coverage directly with the Fox Sports CEO Patrick Delaney.

P.S. Ask Mike if he knows who Mark Rudan is? ;)


Well-Known Member
I felt that the downside of the W League was brought up a bit at the forum without necessarily hearing too much about the potential upsides. I suspect that our W-League team will be predominantly sourced from our Academy and region, the North Shore Mariners Academy and Northbridge related teams and a sprinkling of players from other W-League teams. The assume the games would be played at Tuggerah, Northbridge and double-headers at CCS.

If indeed the North Shore Mariners and Northbridge related teams are involved and we are playing games at Northbridge can you ask Mike about what commercial opportunities will be available to the club in Northern Sydney region as a result of a Mariners obtaining a W-League license.


Well-Known Member
That's actually a good point. He'd know he has his critics, what message does he have for them? What is it that the doubters don't get?

Its pretty obvious what the doubters don't get.

Hopefully his diasasterous flirtations with North Sydney and Canberra can be put behind him and he can deliver us a competitive Football side.

I want to love the bloke....... He is English and a Leeds fan for a start.


Well-Known Member
Its pretty obvious what the doubters don't get.

Hopefully his diasasterous flirtations with North Sydney and Canberra can be put behind him and he can deliver us a competitive Football side.

I want to love the bloke....... He is English and a Leeds fan for a start.

It might be to you and to us who have read what you have to say.
What is be curious to know is if he actually understands. Because the NSO thing made it clear that he was building an understanding during the interview.
So I'm wondering how much current policy might have to do with a lack of rapport with local fans.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
At the pre game he was engaging and funny - he didnt say anything controversial except to talk about "some" hiring errors. I can think of 2 - the shit recruitment, strange contracts (allegedly) and commercial lunacy (NSO for example) stem from those hires.

I don't count Moss as a hiring error because on paper he was the right choice, no one could have foreseen how it would pan out.

He said he thought he had the best CEO in the comp and you'd struggle to argue with that. Given the conditions the bloke is expected to work under (budget etc) he is a miracle worker.

MC just seems to fail to communicate that he is passionate about the team - he talks enthusiastically about everything off field whereas the fans want passion on the field

Big Al

Well-Known Member
MC just seems to fail to communicate that he is passionate about the team - he talks enthusiastically about everything off field whereas the fans want passion on the field
To be fair I think he does we just don't listen because we don't trust him


Well-Known Member
I don't count Moss as a hiring error because on paper he was the right choice, no one could have foreseen how it would pan out.

Gull did! And possibly Rowdy or someone else in the know said he was known as being clueless at Manly FC. I will also mention that I called he should have got a 1 year gig after I rated his first season a B-.
We gave him 3 years because the maggot was cheap.
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Well-Known Member
MC just seems to fail to communicate that he is passionate about the team - he talks enthusiastically about everything off field whereas the fans want passion on the field

I understand your view but think it is Mike being frustrated with progress.

I'm sure Mike is passionate about the team and the Coast. I just think it is lost a bit in his 'crash through or crash' style. He seems to have a big picture, long term view of football in Australia and particularly on the Central Coast but is frustrated by how long it takes for things to change in Gosford *Central Coast Council) and football in Australia (David Gallop and the other suits). His current management choices have probably informed him much more of the feelings of the fans. I think with both Mike and Shaun they have their goals and will try to achieve quickly. They will make mistakes and do things that people don't agree with.

As for football we were told last season we would have two bad seasons. Hopefully with Paul at the helm this season will finish better than last and Mike supports Paul in his team for next year. That was the plan at the beginning of last season that was communicated with the members. It is still the plan now - albeit with a new manager. As a football fan I'm not happy with that - but as someone that wants a continuing sustainable club on the Coast I can live with it.

Is my patience wearing thin - only to the extent that I was pissed we got the spoon last year and it looks like we will finish behind the Jets again (not giving up on that one). If the support for Paul does not come for next season (as per the plan) then I will be singing a different tune but at this stage Mike and the management team have done exactly what they said they would do.


Well-Known Member
We'll be talking to Michael Charlesworth on this weeks show.
The interview will take place on Wednesday night.
If you have any questions or points you want to get across, throw them up here and we'll try to ask them.
I like you to ask him whether our greatest ever signing, 'Harry Redknapp' is still on the payroll, and if he is, why haven't we heard from him in a while and is he scouting potential players in the UK

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I like you to ask him whether our greatest ever signing, 'Harry Redknapp' is still on the payroll, and if he is, why haven't we heard from him in a while and is he scouting potential players in the UK
We already heard months ago we are finished with Arry. Pretty much similar time to Storrie


Well-Known Member
We already heard months ago we are finished with Arry. Pretty much similar time to Storrie
I think that's been the assumption since Storrie was shown the door, and may well be the case. However I don't remember seeing anything official come out from the club. (I could be wrong though)


Well-Known Member
His less-involved role at the club appears to have coincided with the departure in early November of Peter Storrie as executive vice-chairman of the Mariners after his two-year contract was up.

Fellow UK football figure Storrie has a long association with Redknapp and is described as his "advisor".

Asked if Redknapp was still involved with the Mariners, the club's CEO, Shaun Mielekamp, told The World Game: "We've still been in contact with Harry, it's just not as formal as it was previously.

"We've put a couple of calls in to him, he's still watching our games and as we get into the January transfer window and eventually into the next off-season we'll continue to keep in contact and see how it goes from there.

"If we think there's an opportunity for recruitment that Harry could help with, we'll reach out to each other.

"The owner and myself have had communication with Harry, but the involvement is not as frequent as previously.



Well-Known Member
WHERE'S MAH ENTERTAINMENT!? - I've had to resort to "Destruction in the Box" and God help me, even "Soccer Stoppage Time" to get me through the drive... ;)

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