Well-Known Member
Is that 5% even with subsidies, do you recall?
No, they were privately run facilities. From memory no stadium or government run sport and rec centres (e.g. such as Peninsula Leisure Centre) made money and were subsidised.
No facility that had a swimming pool made money.
For my post graduate Event Management degree over a decade ago I did an event analysis on Mariners match day. Then they were paying around $30k for stadium hire and staff. That’s around $350k a year.
As the major tenant this does not even cover wages for the stadium, let alone maintenance, cleaning, pitch upkeep etc.
I have no doubt that the stadium runs at a loss presently. The stadium would need a massive injection of events to even break even.
Remember, part of MC’s plans were to build a hotel and entertainment quarter. Do you think council will ever allow this?
This is based on my experience and knowledge in these areas. I could be wrong.