So there you have it ............ you just justified my opinion and reply. I agree you can’t go to a live station and say “ how shit we are etc ” ....... but you tried to.

They asked you some very direct questions that I am sure many would like management answers to .......... you shouldn’t have tried to answer them

........... you should have vetted the questions and asked them not to put them, they threw you under the bus. You were asked very direct questions that required factual answers. Not to answer with the facts was not good .......... nobody was any the wiser after your answers ???.

. The problem as I see it is: they must have thought you knew the answers but either you didn’t or wouldn’t.

Don’t worry ........ I can understand nobody ringing in to your program to give their opinion .............. if anybody was actually listening they would risk getting the same result I just did.

Yes .......... my opinions at times may appear negative, but if you take your blue and yellow blinkers off you might see that I don’t say negative things like “ how shit we are ........and I have got no hope “.......... and I certainly wouldn’t go on live radio and try and hide the fact that I think my team is shit.
I am a Mulvey fan and I have hope that charlesworth has turned the corner and will support the new ffa regime and be competitive otherwise we will be in the second division when it is brought in. I also have an interest in seeing the new npl signings and the youth players stepping up. Just because I don’t put a value on league table positions doesn’t make me negative nor does the injury list ensuring another spoon worry me like it will you when the reality hits you.
Oh wait !!! ........ one last thing .......... there is no way I would “
ask” to be on “the show”. I appreciate
your efforts of what you are trying to do with it ............... trying to turn the “pigs ear into a silk purse” ........ but it is not going to happen with the team this season.
That was fun .....