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Central Coast Mariners Squad for 2008/09 Season


Well-Known Member
tyson said:
dont think so. how many coaches can we have?

or maybe tobin is considering leaving? wasnt there an article saying he was keen to become a full on manager when there was a club linked with him?

I don't think they're is a limit.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Mariners offered a coaching role, possibly involviing the academy.

However, Viddy may want to go to Adelaide to join up with his brother.


Well-Known Member
According to this thread on the Adelaide's forum, we are chasing their former LB, Aaron Goulding.

At first this looks like a terrible, terible signing. However when you look at the fact that both Vidmar and Brown won't be in the squad next season, we lose all players capable of playing LB besides The Heff next season.

Unless you think that Hutch could possibly do a job there, considering Lawrie played him there in our first pre-season game against the Nix at the start of the season. Would you take him out of that midfield role though? I sure know I wouldn't.

I think we could do better though.


Well-Known Member
Wombat said:
DJ said:
Wombat - u must be calling Lawrie f**king stupid too then

I'm not going into another Gumps conversation, but unless he signs on a reduced wage let him go as the money he is on to sit in the stands is a waste!

DJ.   I am calling Lawrie stupid.
I think he is a brilliant coach and a top bloke but i just don't get the bullshit with Gumps. I know Kwas is his pet (flawed) project from a conversation with Fergie in season 1.
But is doesn't make any sense. Maybe we are paying gumps too much and he wants to free up some funds...any other reason...and he's a fool.
I think i have seen us play maybe 1 or 2 good games without Gumpy..thats it.  The bloke is a quality player, a real goer....whats the f**king problem!   It contrast some of you wank on about blokes with no real talent. I don't know if its an anti German thing or what but i don't understand it???   Please explain?

Dead set muppet Wombat. I officially brand you a TROLL who knows nothing


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't Mrdja have to play some lower grade football before being accepted by any club anyway? The way I see it, is he really has little choice in the matter.  I can't see any club risking cash on a player who may not be able to perform at an acceptable level without proving his fitness level first.


Well-Known Member
Wombat said:
DJ said:
Wombat - u must be calling Lawrie f**king stupid too then

I'm not going into another Gumps conversation, but unless he signs on a reduced wage let him go as the money he is on to sit in the stands is a waste!

DJ.  I am calling Lawrie stupid.
I think he is a brilliant coach and a top bloke but i just don't get the bullshit with Gumps. I know Kwas is his pet (flawed) project from a conversation with Fergie in season 1.
But is doesn't make any sense. Maybe we are paying gumps too much and he wants to free up some funds...any other reason...and he's a fool.
I think i have seen us play maybe 1 or 2 good games without Gumpy..thats it.  The bloke is a quality player, a real goer....whats the f**king problem!  It contrast some of you wank on about blokes with no real talent. I don't know if its an anti German thing or what but i don't understand it???  Please explain?

LOL everyone is entitled to an opinion on every player, so the fact that you love Gumps is good.  However, IMO Gumps has not looked the same since his injury in V2. I think Gumps is technically a very good player, his off the field activities is probably better than any other players and I would not be upset if he signed for another year.  However, given his salary (which I believe is in 6 figures) feel that the money could be used on another player who scores or assists/contributes more on the field, a problem I feel we have had.  We need someone who can fire in a good cross, create space and has good vision, others may feel we have Tommy for that, but if he gets injured who do we have? Brown will probably go and he is 1 of our better crossers, but lacks pace and strength IMO.

Him being German has nothing to do with it, everyone loves Gumps, poor comment!

skilbeck said:
yeah there are plenty of LB's out there that are better than Aaron Goulding

If we keep Ceccoli and Heff we won't need another 1, depends on his wage demands.

Demented said:
Wouldn't Mrdja have to play some lower grade football before being accepted by any club anyway? The way I see it, is he really has little choice in the matter.  I can't see any club risking cash on a player who may not be able to perform at an acceptable level without proving his fitness level first.

Perth are desperate....lol


Well-Known Member
DJ said:
If we keep Ceccoli and Heff we won't need another 1, depends on his wage demands.

I dont reckon we will keep Ceccoli, but then again if his signing pays off he might. Good short termers always stay with the coast or at least are offered new deals in the future


Well-Known Member
Kwas was on fire the first 3 or 4 games of the season, then he got injured and has looked not even a shadow of himself.

Gumps though is still a good impact player. If you were to ask me who I would rather have for another 12 months Gumps or Kwas I would say it depends on who we have up front. If we re sign JA and Mrdja is somehow fit, then those two with Sash and Matty would lean me towards Gumps. Reason being is that Kwas is also a backup striker and I doubt we need that with those 4 up front.... Again regardless we are realistically talking about a bench position so ask yourself who do you want on the bench....


Well-Known Member
I for one want Gumps to stay. Just look at the match against Melbourne - he challenged the ball constantly, and gave Melborune's attackers and midfielders something to think about, which is more than what Porter or Brown did, or even Kwasnik does at times. Personally, I'm thinking that some don't want him due to the fact that he has had limited oppurtunities to play often, and fully fit. I'd take Gumps over Kwasnik anyday, given Kwasnik's run ever since he got injured, which has been less than impressive, even if he supplied a few crosses last time. (I didn't see the game against Perth). Nothing against Kwasnk, but I think Gumps is still better.

Another thing that Gumps offers is that aggression. Look at the Melbourne game - Brown and Clark were letting the Melborune attacks stroll into the box, where Gumps would apply pressure on them, when viable and when it wouldn't result in a 1-on-1 situation if he was beaten - which didn't happen as far as I saw.

And the previous Melborune match - we couldn't even play a 10-men team, for crying out loud. ONLY when Gumprecht and Simon came on - and Porter later one, did we actually play instead of stand around, and thus the two goals came. Gumprecht was one of the few in that game that actually got the ball, laid it off, and stright away tried to make a run. I'm not sure some of the players in our squad have even done that yet, save for the performance against Adelaide.

And look at the crowd's reaction towards Grumprecht coming back - they can't all be wrong, surely?

I don't know how much Gumprecht is on - maybe his contract should be reduced - but I feel that he fully deserves a spot for next year.


Well-Known Member
bobandbill said:
And look at the crowd's reaction towards Grumprecht coming back - they can't all be wrong, surely?

the crowd reaction in 2002 for tony lockett at the SCG was immense too, but it didn't mean he was up to it.

i lvoe gumps, he's a good player, but sentimentality isn't what should be driving this decision and there's *way* too much of that sloshing around here.

we have 23 spots and a limited amount of money. there are no sacred cows here, the best possible squad needs to be put together. if gumps is part of the best possible squad we'll keep him. if not, we won't. the amount of money he's on will be a factor, as will the impact he has on games. he plays a particular way but if there are other options that will bring something different then they need to be assessed as well.

players will come and go from any football club and this one is no different, no matter how loved the players.


Well-Known Member
You've crossed a line Wombat, fair go.

If it was up to you the team would be


Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps

Bench: Danny, Gumps, Gumps, Aloisi

In every match review thread you post something about Gumps should have been subbed on and would have changed the game.

Your opinion is that Gumps is our best player by miles, that's fine. Don't get cranky and call every other fan and the manager stupid if they don't agree with you. The glory of a forum is that there are many voices, and you can easily see that if a vast majority disagree with you. On these occasions you have to either review what you are saying or learn to live with it.


Well-Known Member
. i think with gumpy it all comes down to money (or value for money)

. most seem to want to keep him in some capacity

. most think that he will not be a regular starter

. your top earners MUST be starting consistently, at the moment gumpy apparently is a top earner but is not starting/playing consistently - one of these has to change

. similar argument for viddy - a third choice CB shouldn't be pulling marquee salary
. similar argument for mrdja - a (very) occassional player shouldn't be tying up big dollars


Well-Known Member
brett said:
You've crossed a line Wombat, fair go.

If it was up to you the team would be


Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps

Bench: Danny, Gumps, Gumps, Aloisi



brett said:
You've crossed a line Wombat, fair go.

If it was up to you the team would be


Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps

Bench: Danny, Gumps, Gumps, Aloisi

In every match review thread you post something about Gumps should have been subbed on and would have changed the game.

Your opinion is that Gumps is our best player by miles, that's fine. Don't get cranky and call every other fan and the manager stupid if they don't agree with you. The glory of a forum is that there are many voices, and you can easily see that if a vast majority disagree with you. On these occasions you have to either review what you are saying or learn to live with it.

Man of the match votes:
3 - Gumps
2 - Gumps
1 - Gumps


Well-Known Member
The Daily Terror seemed to suggest if Aloisi re-signed that Viddy would probably go around for another year - though not as the marquee

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
CCM have shown that they are able to make the "hard headed" decisions that mark a club with a winning mentality.

Both Sully and Petrie and to a (much) lesser extent Spencer, were established senior players who were crowd favourites but were let go.

I think Gumps has been a tremendous asset to the club for our short history but if Lawrie decides its time to let him go then we need to bow to his superior knowledge and previous track record.


DJ said:
Wombat said:
DJ said:
Wombat - u must be calling Lawrie f**king stupid too then

I'm not going into another Gumps conversation, but unless he signs on a reduced wage let him go as the money he is on to sit in the stands is a waste!

DJ.  I am calling Lawrie stupid.
I think he is a brilliant coach and a top bloke but i just don't get the bullshit with Gumps. I know Kwas is his pet (flawed) project from a conversation with Fergie in season 1.
But is doesn't make any sense. Maybe we are paying gumps too much and he wants to free up some funds...any other reason...and he's a fool.
I think i have seen us play maybe 1 or 2 good games without Gumpy..thats it.  The bloke is a quality player, a real goer....whats the f**king problem!  It contrast some of you wank on about blokes with no real talent. I don't know if its an anti German thing or what but i don't understand it???  Please explain?

LOL everyone is entitled to an opinion on every player, so the fact that you love Gumps is good.  However, IMO Gumps has not looked the same since his injury in V2. I think Gumps is technically a very good player, his off the field activities is probably better than any other players and I would not be upset if he signed for another year.  However, given his salary (which I believe is in 6 figures) feel that the money could be used on another player who scores or assists/contributes more on the field, a problem I feel we have had.  We need someone who can fire in a good cross, create space and has good vision, others may feel we have Tommy for that, but if he gets injured who do we have? Brown will probably go and he is 1 of our better crossers, but lacks pace and strength IMO.

If you are referring to the Centre midfield role ahead of Jedi, there's Porter, Hutch and Owens who can fill in in that role with some distinction. Hutch, we saw this year, plays a good 'General' holding midfield role, Owens has great touch with deft passes & works well with Aloisi, and from what I've seen with Porter he also possesses a good passing game. I'd also throw Jedi's name into the mix too, he can play more forward than he does for the Mariners, but he'd be more a 'busting up the centre' type of midfielder and use his physical presence to advantage.


Well-Known Member
brett said:
You've crossed a line Wombat, fair go.

If it was up to you the team would be


Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps Gumps Gumps

Gumps Gumps

Bench: Danny, Gumps, Gumps, Aloisi

In every match review thread you post something about Gumps should have been subbed on and would have changed the game.

Your opinion is that Gumps is our best player by miles, that's fine. Don't get cranky and call every other fan and the manager stupid if they don't agree with you. The glory of a forum is that there are many voices, and you can easily see that if a vast majority disagree with you. On these occasions you have to either review what you are saying or learn to live with it.

LOL.  I'll pay that!

P.S. Bearinator....brand me what you like. I'd like to see your Football CV?

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