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CCMFC New Chairman and Substantial Investment

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Well-Known Member
So far there is absolutely no indication the club or any games will be moved. Let's not stir everyone up with speculation based on nothing until there is something substantial to tell us otherwise.

At this stage all we know is that there is (probably) a new investor and Monty is staying on


Well-Known Member
Mariners fans for nearly 10 years
"we hate Charlseworth and need more investment or him to sell the club"

CCM gets new investment and charlesworth reduced to minority owner, with seemingly a commitment to Monty

Mariners fans
"Oh no the club is moving to canberra"



Well-Known Member
So far there is absolutely no indication the club or any games will be moved. Let's not stir everyone up with speculation based on nothing until there is something substantial to tell us otherwise.

At this stage all we know is that there is (probably) a new investor and Monty is staying on
This. Anything else is just feeding negativity and speculation about maybe.


Well-Known Member
Mariners fans for nearly 10 years
"we hate Charlseworth and need more investment or him to sell the club"

CCM gets new investment and charlesworth reduced to minority owner, with seemingly a commitment to Monty

Mariners fans
"Oh no the club is moving to canberra"

i wasnt keen on charlesworth selling as tbh most people that were interested were wanting to move and that was my worry that their was no interest in keeping us on coast


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that the council was one of the great blocks to Mike Charlesworth selling / garnering more investment. The saga with the Stadium went on for years. Now there is certainty - even if it is not what Mike was after in terms of a Mariners lease. Investment loves certainty!!


Well-Known Member
i wasnt keen on charlesworth selling as tbh most people that were interested were wanting to move and that was my worry that their was no interest in keeping us on coast
the APL wants to expand, id bet my arse they wouldnt move CCM anywhere because theyd know theyre writing off ever having a team on the Central Coast ever again

further to that, if the APL DID by chance want to move us, there isnt a thing we could do to stop them

Man Overboard

Well-Known Member
the APL wants to expand.......................further to that, if the APL DID by chance want to move us, there isnt a thing we could do to stop them
I'm not sure that any owner would be interested in diluting their investment's value by expansion od the APL. Moving to greener pastures could however be another story. Time for Shaun to engage with fans on CCM Fans and the Club Part 2 I think.
We certainly couldn't stop a move, but that doesn't mean that you should support them if they did. This forum is littered with attacks on ex player 'snakes' who moved on. I couldn't support the club anymore if they did; I would have to look at another league as I couldn't bring myself to follow Jets or 'The Glamour club'. CCM owners will get more members in Canberra anyway if they move there, but I would have the satisfaction of not helping them with a membership renewal.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that the council was one of the great blocks to Mike Charlesworth selling / garnering more investment. The saga with the Stadium went on for years. Now there is certainty - even if it is not what Mike was after in terms of a Mariners lease. Investment loves certainty!!
So what happened to the stadium I know its got new owners but has stadium deal with club been done for next season


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that any owner would be interested in diluting their investment's value by expansion od the APL.
How does it dilute their investment? Any new owners would be buying in and new clubs will be directed to areas with untapped potential which strengthens the league. Places like Canberra, Tas, Gold Coast, Auckland , Wollongong all meet that brief. The main thing the existing owners would be against is the likes of Macarthur being set up in WSW's backyard. Until we have at least 14 teams, maybe 16 pending whatever happens with a second division, expansion makes sense over relocation unless a club is no longer viable in a location.

Man Overboard

Well-Known Member
Doubt. You’d lose the entire membership base up here, and my feel is that most Canberrans would be unwilling to support a relocated team. They’d end up with less.

It’s a moot point anyway.
Not so sure. Canberrans love sport, and have a larger population base [Click on each for results]


The Central Canberra Mariners team would probs also attract inland rural fans, Wagga etc while the CC is constrained by Sydney and Newcastle whose populations are most likely committed to other clubs, so little future growth for memberships.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mariners fans for nearly 10 years
"we hate Charlseworth and need more investment or him to sell the club"

CCM gets new investment and charlesworth reduced to minority owner, with seemingly a commitment to Monty

Mariners fans
"Oh no the club is moving to canberra"

If the duck quacks. What does that make it?
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