poor planning from yourselves in NOT informing members
directly about the
'earn your stripes' program you've implemented, which ultimately could enable members to save money by getting 10% off their membership next season.
No email sent out ??
No SMS ??
- just announced it on the CCM website
(& seriously, how many members do you honestly expect to check the website EVERY single DAY)
On top of all that, you ONLY gave all members
less than 24hrs notice
(that's if they happened to stumble across the announcement
in time on the website on Friday, the day you announced it) that one of the
key rerequirements to be eligible for the 10% discount next season was:
- to 'attend the CCM Fans Day' in Kibble Park
- & have your name checked off a list that you were
actually there.
.......too bad if you'd already planned other things
... well away from the Gosford CBD that day.
OR unlucky enough to find out about ALL OF THIS on the following Monday morning (this posting is the first mention of it on this forum)
Then there's the FaceBook thing.
I get that the club would like to have more 'likes' & 'followers' on your official FB page
I, like many others, refuse to hand over my personal details, my photo library, my current & past locations or better yet
.... MY LIFE
- to a twat geek 'gazillionare' like Mike Zuckerberg and whomever Government Agencies/Private Corporations that he on-sell's all of that data to.
FaceBook SHOULDN'T be the 'Be-ALL & End-ALL' form of communication/connection between members and the club !
- & I've explained THIS ⬆ point to Dan Challinor via an EMAIL earlier this year, & also regards to CCM possibly emailing members (&past members) about the new foreign signings to increase renewals of both existing memberships and those that perhaps have not done so for a few years.
You yourself could have (or have staff) posted this offer's details in bulleted form
here on this very Forum.
So at a guess, with the less than 24hr notice of having to be at the 'CCM Fans Day' coupled with your
requirement to be a user of 'Facebook' there'll probably only be a relatively small number of members who will qualify for your offer of a discount on next years Membership 10% off/Training Session w/ BBQ Personal Invite ???
- as I would have liked to have been easily eligible based on my past history if hoing to ALL home fames as well as Syd/Scum/ WSW away games.
.... but am sadly excluded bc of FB
& I chose not to go to the Fans Day because a) I couldn't buy a Jersey 'like I actually did the year before' @ Pluim
b) prior to your belated announcement of the offer had no reason to, other than the Captain Announcement