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CCM Boys conquering the world


Well-Known Member
The club they were playing at is MSV Duisburg, a pretty big club (challenged at the pointy end of the II.Bundesiga for several years, were in the I.BL in the mid-noughties) that went through serious financial issues last season, so even though they finished 11th they were denied a licence to compete in the II.BL and are now in the Regionalliga.

They've got a terrific little ground too:




Well-Known Member
I love how well all our boys are doing overseas at the moment and it is a credit to Arnie that Bozanic, Ryan, McBreen and Ibini have all being able to walk into the first team in their respective leagues. That in itself is an achievement but to actually dominate like they have been is amazing. If you were a young kid looking for a stepping stone to Europe CCM is the club to be at.


Well-Known Member
I love how well all our boys are doing overseas at the moment and it is a credit to Arnie that Bozanic, Ryan, McBreen and Ibini have all being able to walk into the first team in their respective leagues. That in itself is an achievement but to actually dominate like they have been is amazing. If you were a young kid looking for a stepping stone to Europe CCM is the club to be at.

Indeed. And with the two AIS signings who turned down chances to join the Wanderers or Sydney FC in preference to the Mariners says it all. The Mariners way is working, Lawrie and Arnie have laid a groundwork that will hopefully stay in place for many years to come.


Well-Known Member
Now that you mention the groundwork that these guys are laying we have to also admire their foresight.
The Academy, The Bluetounge rights, Elite Indigenous Football Academy.
The ideas are not just brainstormed they are actually implemented.

The Elite Indigenous Football Academy is a highlight for me.
With the recent furour over the 6-0 drubbing the NT received from Brasil highlighted for the need for more forward thinking from all A-League clubs.
We admire the way that the athletic & talented young Brasilian's play the game.
We know that tapping into our indigenous kids & mixing them with the skill base of Arnie & Ange young protogae's will provide us with a NT that will not only be competitive but provide a door for all of the kids we see lost to NRL & AFL that would push our game to a new level.

Congratulations Mariners please continue to lead the way.


Active Member
So, its been a few days, but here's the summary of our latest game:

No clean sheet for Ryan again, which I'm sure is annoying him. Not his fault though, he's still playing incredibly well.

In other news, we fired our coach Juan Carlos Garrido. We have 17/21, but the management hasn't been happy with how badly we're playing for a while. Also today, Michel Preud'homme terminated his contract with Al-Shahab. Everybody is thinking that they fired JCG because they want MPH, and that MPH will sign with us very shortly. MPH was high on their wishlist the last time they needed a new coach but he wasn't available then.

My opinion: even though Garrido isn't bad (it's hard to argue with his statistics, which are among the very best of all the coaches we've had the last years - which is A LOT btw), MPH is much better. His style of play (no-nonsense, high pressure, and quickly attacking) will also be a much better fit for how the average fan wants Club Brugge to play than Garrido's slow and possession-oriented technical style.

But my opinion is still that our team is much too weak: no experienced defenders and no good central striker. I wonder what a new coach will do about that.

I'm also expecting our technical director to get fired or otherwise demoted: he seems totally incompetent and I don't think MPH will put up with that. (Assuming that MPH will get the job, any alternative would be a complete and utter nightmare.)

Edit: you can say a lot about the management, but not that they aren't quick. MPH confirmed.
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Well-Known Member
So, its been a few days, but here's the summary of our latest game:

No clean sheet for Ryan again, which I'm sure is annoying him. Not his fault though, he's still playing incredibly well.

In other news, we fired our coach Juan Carlos Garrido. We have 17/21, but the management hasn't been happy with how badly we're playing for a while. Also today, Michel Preud'homme terminated his contract with Al-Shahab. Everybody is thinking that they fired JCG because they want MPH, and that MPH will sign with us very shortly. MPH was high on their wishlist the last time they needed a new coach but he wasn't available then.

My opinion: even though Garrido isn't bad (it's hard to argue with his statistics, which are among the very best of all the coaches we've had the last years - which is A LOT btw), MPH is much better. His style of play (no-nonsense, high pressure, and quickly attacking) will also be a much better fit for how the average fan wants Club Brugge to play than Garrido's slow and possession-oriented technical style.

But my opinion is still that our team is much too weak: no experienced defenders and no good central striker. I wonder what a new coach will do about that.

I'm also expecting our technical director to get fired or otherwise demoted: he seems totally incompetent and I don't think MPH will put up with that. (Assuming that MPH will get the job, any alternative would be a complete and utter nightmare.)

Edit: you can say a lot about the management, but not that they aren't quick. MPH confirmed.
Do you think they"ll have any players in the World Cup squad if they qualify


Active Member
Do you think they"ll have any players in the World Cup squad if they qualify

The Belgian squad or just any? I think Duarte is there with Costa Rica. Simons will probably go too, for Belgium, but if everything goes as planned he'll never play.

Otherwise, no. Odjidja is good, but never really made the team. Lestienne has world class potential, but has actual world class as his competition. Also, he booked his girlfriend a room in the hotel last time he was with the belgian under-something squad and was caught sleeping there, after which he was sent home. That won't have made his chances any bigger.

Can't think of anyone else really, but I can be wrong.


Well-Known Member
The Belgian squad or just any? I think Duarte is there with Costa Rica. Simons will probably go too, for Belgium, but if everything goes as planned he'll never play.

Otherwise, no. Odjidja is good, but never really made the team. Lestienne has world class potential, but has actual world class as his competition. Also, he booked his girlfriend a room in the hotel last time he was with the belgian under-something squad and was caught sleeping there, after which he was sent home. That won't have made his chances any bigger.

Can't think of anyone else really, but I can be wrong.

You forgot Ryan ;)


Active Member
True. I don't know who his main rivals are for the spot, but you could do a lot worse than him.


Well-Known Member
Mark Schwarzer, Mitchell Langerak.

I think Adam Federici and Brad Jones have missed the boat.

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