I think you can answer that question by asking yourself a few others. How many foreign players have been given the opportunity to trial for aleague clubs, and found to be unsuitable? How many foreign players have gained contracts and been sent packing after a short period? If an aleague club scout spotted young foreign players with potential and wanted to trial them, would there be a problem with FFA consent?quote author=elevated position
I watched Marconi (my other team) 5 times last season and the guys mentioned play ok ALeague standard ? Then again I would swap Toure for one of the bludgers that got sent packing.
The article is interesting as over the last few years on this site we have asked the question of scouting Africa etc and maybe we now know why its not done, FFA regards only players already of A League standard need apply or are they taking the heavy stand to allow the yoof system to develope and therefore looking after our own?
My won question is, why would they want to prevent foreign players from playing in and improving the quality of any of the state leagues and where's is the relevance to the aleague?