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Bay16 and Behaviour Towards Women


Well-Known Member
interesting posts here.

I think if you are willing to sit in the bay then there is always going to be abuse being hurled. How personal we make it is up to us.

At the end of the day there is plenty of emotions running around the bay and not to metion the beer. I must admitt I called Breeze a CU%T on Saturday and my wife was quick to say that was not appropiate yet for the rest of the game I was yelling out FU$K this etc.

As rowdy also mentioned regardless of gender there is always someone carrying on and the bay is always yelling SIT DOWN SHUT Up and DICK HEAD.

Go the bay and long live the passion and spirt that resides in it.


Well-Known Member
Im so close to not sitting in the bay anymore because of all this "you cant say that, but I can say this, and he said that to me and so I said this to him" bullshit

Im not trying to defend Roddy at all. Im defending the fact that people say what they want, and there is nothing you can do about it, other than call a cop over. Roddy is taking shit from everywhere for saying "f**k off" to a woman, but then djebella turns around and says "im going to f**king kill you, you c**t" ??? where is the line drawn


Well-Known Member
I know that my choice of words was totally inappropriate and has only taken me a nites sleep to realize that, I should and will offer an apology to this particular woman. I agree SSensei that, to use your words I should have just ignored her" or better still "yeah I know, sorry, but it's what we do and we love it".

Not to excuse or condone my actions, but only for some understanding, which is what others are asking of me; it was said as a blow-off and contrary to what youve asserted SSensei  I didnt  aggressively dismiss her. Yeah I was angry but no more angrier than her, Auburn was standing directly behind me and can attest to this. Fyfe had just scored - I was bummed out like everyone else, I didnt start the song just happened to join in with the other dozen or so that did as well, some of whom also told her to shut-up. Like I said not to condone or excuse, just understand where I was coming from.

What I utterly dont understand is a couple of things a few have posted on here.

midfielder said:
Everything has boundaries those lines we do not cross over...., Your example encourages stretching and pushing boundaries...in closing your behaviour to me seems to encourage pushing boundaries..

What are the boundaries? Too many draw lines in the sand, one minute they have dry feet and in the next theyre ankle deep.

Here we are at the waters edge:

dibo said:
also, it doesn't take a leap of logic to realise that there's a difference here between telling a troll on the forum to f**k off and telling another marinator to f**k off because she didn't like what people were singing.

As I said, abusing/swearing directed @ someone on here, is the same as doing to their face in public. Why? Well just because its the internet, cyberspace, your not using your real name, 'theyre trolls' makes no difference IN THE EYES OF THE LAW. Not my opinions or views here Dibo, but LAW! Not just in this country either but in most throughout the world.

It is been attested many times over in courts around the world that THIS IS in the public domain. Yeah theyre trolls, but dont let the misnomer fool you into thinking that they arent people, they are, theyre just ones that either go for other HAL teams & hate us, or our players, our coach and our club.

Just because they arent one of us doesnt mean they cant come on here and say what they want, the forum is open to all the public.  BUT they do come on here & should follow the rules, which you think apparently dont apply to us.

Here ARE the rules Dibo from the very first paragraph of the user agreements on the registration form, oh and also confirms this is a public place; 

You agree, through your use of this website, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law. This is not only humorous, but legal actions can be taken against you. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material.

Oh and theres this: Hide email address from public

So what's everyones opinions on the definitions of these words clearly outlined?

Mine is it's E=MC2, the Theory of Relativity, that is 'your opinion is relative to the relationship of the word'.

Some don't relate to the use of a simple term like 'shit'
I don't relate to being told what to do by someone I don't know or has the the authority to do so
(Yes I was smacked as a child  :p, but most kid's today aren't and are even more anti-auth, imo, so draw the analysis  :-\)

midfielder said:
..to imply that a restricted forum that users choose to use is similar to a public place is .........well..........idiotic.

Logic?..Idiotic?. To add theres not even a box to tick stating that youre over 18, so in effect this forum is open to tech savvy 8 y.o and younger, as well as Guests that can read everything without necessarily registering & becoming a member/user.

Whats LAW in public also applies on the internet, making itwell public, who wouldve thunk. So Dibo & MF, NO! Im not drawing a long bow here and the logic is far from idiotic to say the least. Hell Dibo! Youve been given moderator status and accepted this role, but I dont see you deleting posts like those of Eggys. Adz as well, I regard him and his mate Bristol as good mates, and only quoted him as well as to point out the disparity here. People are telling ME to take hard look at myself, what about the rest of the forum? If you dont then youre basically telling me I can come on here, call whoever I like a fcukn cnut, etc, but as long as I dont express the same in the Bay Im alright :/

Ive done a bit of basic programming and from that I learnt that a CPU will do whatever you want it to do, if you program it accordingly that is  ;). Sure this forum wont let you type f**k, c**t etc but you can still post fcuk, cnut, f-off F/U,FFS and so on & so on. Even when you read f**k we all know what word the user inserted, despite the filter of the forum editing and inserting the **.

The filter could be set-up to not allow any forms of this type of language (I myself & friends on here are guilty of this use). If people know' that these words or any shortened version of them (if they come up with a new form of the naughty words , add it to the list) cant be used they would be forced to use more articulate thought when posting, instead of resorting to the easy option of the slag. This is a start BUT will it happen? Probably NOT.

But this is not the issue Im trying to highlight here, the issue is peoples ACCEPTANCE of one standard in an area of one's life but not applying it equally or fairly to another area that is has a direct relationship -forum/BT & Us vs THEM on forum. Seems that IT IS OK for some to not abide by the terms of the user agreement but not for others, and Im not just singling us vs the trolls either. The Sack Kwassie saga was an example of mariner fans slagging off at one another, some using offensive tones and obscene language as well.

If, as some have stated in this thread, that we should strive for the Bay area and all areas to be of a positive nature and all encompassing then I regard the BT Stadium to be THE FRONT YARD so to speak, where were trying to win awards with our manicured gardens and lawn for being the best supporters group in the HAL.

If this is so, then this website and the forum is the THE HOUSE that sits behind that garden, occupied by all on here.

I think were overdue for some house cleaning.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering where the howls of protest were when the "Oh referee, your wife was shit, but she makes a damn good breakfast" song was sung a few weeks ago??  People seem to get 'selectively offended' these days....... "oh my, they said semen, that's wrong", but the idea of banging the referee's wife and then informing said referee that his wife was terrible at it isn't offensive??    Come on, which one is it going to be??

Having said that, there is very little in this world that offends me, so I'm probably not the best person to ask about offensive things.  ;)


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
Just wondering where the howls of protest were when the "Oh referee, your wife was shit, but she makes a damn good breakfast" song was sung a few weeks ago??  People seem to get 'selectively offended' these days....... "oh my, they said semen, that's wrong", but the idea of banging the referee's wife and then informing said referee that his wife was terrible at it isn't offensive??    Come on, which one is it going to be??

Having said that, there is very little in this world that offends me, so I'm probably not the best person to ask about offensive things.  ;)

Similarly where was the outrage at the Qld fans for giving Tiatto permission to F&*K there wives?  ???

Why was the offense only focused at those up the back and not the rest who joined in. (yes I was one and there were quite a few around me singing it to.)

Personally I found the chant of "2 nil and you f&*ked it up" more offensive on the night.

As with Serious I'm not easily offended and possibly due to the industry I work in have heard worse than that coming out of female mouths.

I vaguely remember a female member of bay 16 yelling out something along the lines of "and she prefers women" at the conclusion of that song.


Well-Known Member
Yes i was only going off what i read i didn't witness anything so probably shouldn't have fired up.SORRY. Having said that as i think has been pointed out already the direct use of those words was a mistake to your credit your apoligizing. I would ov been pissed and reacted in a similar way to djb had i been in his shoes(NO I'M NOT CONDONING IT I JUST UNDERSTAND IT) I reacted so much to that post because of mrs djb  "not having a right to say anything cause she's new comment". As for those chants they don't offend me personally i actually enjoy them and join in my self I'm not sure of the solution as i think everyone should be able to sing what eva they feel but i also don't think that you should have to endure things that offend you i don't think leaving the bay is the only answer. There's no real soloution to this because people can and will swear and people can and will take offense somehow we gotta try get the happy medium going not sure what that is tho :-\


Well-Known Member
Eggy said:
As for those chants they don't offend me personally i actually enjoy them and join in my self I'm not sure of the solution as i think everyone should be able to sing what eva they feel but i also don't think that you should have to endure things that offend you i don't think leaving the bay is the only answer.

Coming to a Rebel Sports near you soon, Mariners ear plugs ;)


Well-Known Member
Rowdy, thanks for being as strong with your views it will add a lot to the overall debate.

However your comparison of this forum which can be closed at a flick to comments in a public park that cannot be turned off is like comparing a apple to a whale, very little in common except they both live on plant earth.

However I understand were your coming from and the passion you hold. But passion for our club would be better off in gaining new supporters rather than scaring them off.

Supporter groups have been one of the A-leagues, assets to date, but we dont need supporter groups to become liabilities. However as I said in another thread there is a little more hardness this year than in previous years. Also as the league expands more groups will come and with people trying to outdo each other. It is all our interest to sort as much out as possible in forums rather than as many in Cove do in a fight.

Rowdy you have been told by a number of people ONE song and the theme of that song offends them, its your call you can as you have said as you believe ( I dont actually) is your right to continue to sing it, . Or you could choose not to sing it. I hope you dont out of respect for the many women and some men it does offend.

Bear, when you are married or in a very serious relationship and your better half cops what Mrs D, did ..my guess is you would react in a similar manner.


Well-Known Member
Eggy said:
yeah bear bout time u got a real relationship then u'd know how it feels ::)

You can answer him for me Eggy if you like, as im not even going to bother

I will add tho midfielder, that if you knew my girlfriend, you would know that there is not much that bothers her, so this situation would never happen to me
Bearinator said:
Coming to a Rebel Sports near you soon, Mariners ear plugs ;)

A few questions:
Where do I put my order in?
Can I buy in bulk?
Can I supply the neighbours with them as well for tv games and replays?

Concerned bystander re:noise levels at Auburn's house during post match replays :).


Well-Known Member
as this discussion's been had a number of times in the past i'm not all that inclined to be polite, as i'm basically talking to the same people every time.

over the last 3 seasons at different times there have been plenty of people who have raised issues here that have been raised any number of times before, and the same few people jump in to defend the singing of a scant few songs. i raised it myself years ago and i've subsequently seen it raised by others a number of times. it should be a tiny issue but it's not, because of the venom that's poured on those who complain.

it's bullshit but apparently we can't change it. we don't sing a few songs for a while and no harm is done to the bay whatsoever as far as i can tell, but then certain people assert their 'right' to sing whatever they want and we run into the same complaints.

it would seem that not singing less than a handful of songs is more offensive a concept than singing songs that have been complained about time and again by different people. f**k that.

everybody who's been around for a few years knows my view on this, but apparently it's 'the way we do things' i'm so sick of this bullshit i'm not going to bother to post any more on it.


Well-Known Member
Bearinator said:
Eggy said:
yeah bear bout time u got a real relationship then u'd know how it feels ::)

You can answer him for me Eggy if you like, as im not even going to bother

I will add tho midfielder, that if you knew my girlfriend, you would know that there is not much that bothers her, so this situation would never happen to me

How is Fish?


Well Rowdy for whatever its now worth from me,
I applaud your decision to apologise to the lady involved - the cliche was made for good reason that it shows strength of character. Was a goodly good point re forum conduct and I'll certainly endeavour to take it on board. Nothing more boring than wading through an endless supply of brainless swearing posts like I literally did the other day on the Bling forum!!!  ::)
Best wishes to all and a very Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
Perm said:
Bearinator said:
Eggy said:
yeah bear bout time u got a real relationship then u'd know how it feels ::)

You can answer him for me Eggy if you like, as im not even going to bother

I will add tho midfielder, that if you knew my girlfriend, you would know that there is not much that bothers her, so this situation would never happen to me

How is Fish?

Roll over at night and ask him some time ;)

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