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Asian Champions league Elite Group


Well-Known Member
We would have had a draw if we didn’t risk the play out from back.

* Storm not 100%
* Brandtmann no right foot
* De-Lima & Brantmann we’re good
* Ngor was the highlight
* Second half from Alfie was really good
* Tapp solid
* Felix is good only 50% of his involvement, but stuffs around too much and source of counters.
* Sains fitness as expected but slow

Funnily enough the older players were the ones that generally cost us tonight.
They most likely stuck to the instruction to play the triangles into the midfield but the midfield had quality players up their arseholes!

So our main downfall is we didn’t really adjust during this game to try and bypass their midfield and/or bring in a third CM to have the skill for short passing moving the ball forward.


Well-Known Member
Make errors, get punished. Have chances, don't convert = lose. Simple as that. Shame as we played decently well l thought. If that's our base level, with more and more reps, we'll be fine.
I think the back line will tighten up pretty well which will give the young keepers more protection and confidence. Bit worried about how the goals will come but we’re miles ahead of this time last year so trust the process I guess.

Ngor looks like a gun. Keen to see what he can do for us.


Well-Known Member
I think the back line will tighten up pretty well which will give the young keepers more protection and confidence. Bit worried about how the goals will come but we’re miles ahead of this time last year so trust the process I guess.

Ngor looks like a gun. Keen to see what he can do for us.
Once we get that Sains/Kaltak partnership sorted we should be fine.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Kaltak and Pav cost us 3 goals tonight. But the latter is playing above his level, while the former was somewhere else entirely

He's always been prone to taking naps during the game and costing us goals, but he was somewhere else tonight. And just jogged after the player on that 3rd one.

Our attack was poor, we're still playing like we have no idea where each other is. But that may mean it can improve.

But who will be scoring? Doka was way off tonight. Ngol, I'm not convinced on. Feel like he should be faster too. But look, that may improve. Maybe. We should have scored a few at the end,just blew it.

We're going to rely on Doka a lot this season.

Not to mention tapp almost falling over trying to get the ball to his left foot. Shoot with your off foot, dammit.

But doesn't matter how many goals we score - we don't have an AL keeper and that's going to absolutely kill us this season. We need to sign one, yesterday.

I can't see Pav getting to the standard we need. Especially not when you need to cover Kaltak's naps.

They looked gassed after 20min. Do we still have the same conditioning coach?

I think Danny made him look good,covering for his errors. Now, those key errors in centre back will cost us every game.

Despite all that, the scoreline flattered them


Well-Known Member
Thought the lads played quite well overall especially given we’re just over half way through pre season. Any and all the mistakes came from lack of match sharpness. When does Brian give it away there mid season?
Our attacking play was VERY encouraging for this stage. Very winnable game, they score from a worldy cross, mistake and then a classy finish one on one. And we ofcourse don’t bury anything. I don’t enjoy bagging keepers as I never was one, but imo the only stick Pav could get is for when Brian killed us, but even then it’s clutching at straws.

I thought all the kids that came on were very bright, Ngor was very positive (went missing 2nd half but came back) pretty decent to jump from NPL to ACL in a month. He’s gonna be great. Also thought big Eddy showed a vastly improved technical side of himself. Feijao imo was also pretty bright.
Far from any kind of doom and gloom. Score line flatters them, but we simply need to convert. I don’t expect it to be an issue when the lads are match sharp.


Well-Known Member
Kaltak and Pav cost us 3 goals tonight. But the latter is playing above his level, while the former was somewhere else entirely

He's always been prone to taking naps during the game and costing us goals, but he was somewhere else tonight. And just jogged after the player on that 3rd one.

Our attack was poor, we're still playing like we have no idea where each other is. But that may mean it can improve.

But who will be scoring? Doka was way off tonight. Ngol, I'm not convinced on. Feel like he should be faster too. But look, that may improve. Maybe. We should have scored a few at the end,just blew it.

We're going to rely on Doka a lot this season.

Not to mention tapp almost falling over trying to get the ball to his left foot. Shoot with your off foot, dammit.

But doesn't matter how many goals we score - we don't have an AL keeper and that's going to absolutely kill us this season. We need to sign one, yesterday.

I can't see Pav getting to the standard we need. Especially not when you need to cover Kaltak's naps.

They looked gassed after 20min. Do we still have the same conditioning coach?

I think Danny made him look good,covering for his errors. Now, those key errors in centre back will cost us every game.

Despite all that, the scoreline flattered them
This is all extremely dramatic.

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