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Well-Known Member
The unnamed Australian club is $hitty
And you're punished heavily if you dont want to go and make big losses in the process. The AFC cares more about egos and their delegates getting a junket than the clubs competing.


Well-Known Member
Also the Nix still can't compete in the any of the Asian comps. Note the hub will be in Saudi so to back up Turbo its just another example of grab the oil money for themselves and don't worry about the viability of the comp.


Well-Known Member
You just need to see the path of progression for the West Asian teams to see where the corruption is.

Imagine being one of the tiny Thai or Malaysian clubs and trying to find a 5 star hotel for some "AFC delegate" aka, Arab royal


Well-Known Member
West Asia confederation Syria,Lebanon,Jordan,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Bahrain,Oman,UAE,Kuwait,Qatar,Iraq,Iran,Uzbekistan,Tajikistan,Pakistan,Afghanistan,India,Nepal,Bangladesh,Bhutan ,Sri Lanka and Maldives and any other "Stan " nations whom I have missed

East Asia confederation: Myanmar,Thailand,Laos,Cambodia,Vietnam,China,N Korea,S Korea,Japan,Malaysia,Philippines,Indonesia,Singapore,Brunei,Guam,NZ,Australia and the other Oceania nations-Fiji,New Guinea,Solomons ,Vanuatu,Tahiti,Samoa ,Tonga , New Caledonia and any other ones I have missed


Well-Known Member
And the fact that they have a North American and South American tells me it's clearly doable
Is there a political will to both dilute their power? Is there a financial will to separate from some wealthy states? I hate the East v West stuff but it could be lose lose.


Well-Known Member
There are so many elephants in the room when it comes to sorting out these confederations, east/west Asia makes perfect sense on many levels but oh, the politics. If it's still the same as when we changed to Asia it requires Federation members to vote, just a few ssues that come to mind that may prevent change.

- Moving federations means a redistribution of WC spots. Considering the winners of the last couple of Asian Cups I'd be guessing West Asia would argue for more.
- The club world cup. Auckland City almost have a mortgage on participation from OCEANA, the key reason they didn't want to join the a-league when invited many years ago was they'd be unlikely to participate. I believe just for making it they get millions in prize money, don't even have to win. Make it this year and they get 50 mill pounds. They would be begging bribing threatening anyone with voting rights to vote no.
- would Ansley OCEANA clubs want to join east Asia and face the costs of travelling to play in India?

I can see the sense in the change but I think it would take extraordinary FIFA action to implement and drive. It's there money in it for FIFA execs?


Well-Known Member
There are so many elephants in the room when it comes to sorting out these confederations, east/west Asia makes perfect sense on many levels but oh, the politics. If it's still the same as when we changed to Asia it requires Federation members to vote, just a few ssues that come to mind that may prevent change.

- Moving federations means a redistribution of WC spots. Considering the winners of the last couple of Asian Cups I'd be guessing West Asia would argue for more.
- The club world cup. Auckland City almost have a mortgage on participation from OCEANA, the key reason they didn't want to join the a-league when invited many years ago was they'd be unlikely to participate. I believe just for making it they get millions in prize money, don't even have to win. Make it this year and they get 50 mill pounds. They would be begging bribing threatening anyone with voting rights to vote no.
- would Ansley OCEANA clubs want to join east Asia and face the costs of travelling to play in India?

I can see the sense in the change but I think it would take extraordinary FIFA action to implement and drive. It's there money in it for FIFA execs?
The Mariners should join Auckland City's comp. 50 million ponds to beat a semi-pro team sounds good.

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