Agree. I’m waiting for them to prove themselves and some spare coin. I’m definitely on the wait and see List.So membership predictions?
I think start of season we'll probably be down. Considering how many had their resolve broken last season, followed by the embarrassment that was a paired bookend thumping by the scum...well
Three weeks till FFA cup and the conch has yet to be blown and the team fully assembled
If we lose that game, as expected, it won't help. Win and/or show massive potential and it'll bring a few more onboard.
The first few games will influence a lot. Some stirring, passionate results might turn the key the other way. Fans have been starved of guts and glory for so long that they would flock to it if it was on offer again - genuine excitement.
If it's a poor start to the season I can't see much growth if any in memberships this year.
So far very unimpressed