Cristiano's RC was interesting. A few seasons ago FIFA came out with a bit of a statement against players leading into aerial challenges with an elbow, and basically came out with a zero-tolerance verdict, saying these players must be sent off (and, obviously Cristiano DID lead in with the elbow).
However, all season we've seen similar challenges (and the fact that similar injuries have been sustained suggest similar force was used), and no red card - heck, usually no yellow card or even FK has been given.
So either Breeze is right and every other ref is wrong, or Breeze is wrong and every other ref is right.
Or they're all wrong and they need to figure out where the hell they draw the balance of how much elbow is acceptable

IMO, everyone would be more accepting of Cristiano's RC if similar challenges had resulted in a RC all season - but we all know the HAL has zero consistency when it comes to cards.
Of course, I tend to look at these decisions with a bit of a 'what would I have given in an O/35 or first grade match?' - but for obvious reasons you can't always compare what's a card in the HAL with what's a card in grassroots football
In the context of what else has qualified for a RC this season though, nobody could blame Cristiano for feeling very hard done by - I was very surprised to see a RC. In the context of a HAL match, a yellow probably would've been more typical.
Still, let's be reasonable - only this RC is Breeze's, the other one came down to the assistant. Unfortunately, Breeze tends to suffer from either giving out unnecessary red cards, or missing the necessary ones. He can't decide if he wants to be lenient or tough ;-)
And neither of those decisions are as bad as missing that handball - or NJ getting away with starting a huge fight in our match
I bet serious got a quiver in his pants when Tommy P scored that goal though

Great strike. Pity Melbourne won - I would've loved to have seen Adelaide get up, but nobody seriously expected anything different.
Heard there was a fair bit of crowd trouble....