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Hibernian FC thread


Well-Known Member
excuse my ignorance but is Sergio still working closely with Monty like he was when they were with us last season?


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
Those idiot board members at Hibs know they barely have the budget that Celtic and Rangers do ….dunno how they blame Monty , when they ain’t got the coin to implement his ideas


Well-Known Member
Those idiot board members at Hibs know they barely have the budget that Celtic and Rangers do ….dunno how they blame Monty , when they ain’t got the coin to implement his ideas

Regardless, their budget is bigger than anyone else other than those top two. Top six should be the minimum expectation for that club and he didn’t achieve it.
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Regardless, their budget is bigger than anyone else other than those top two. Top six should be the minimum expectation for that club and he didn’t achieve it.
Not so.
up until a few weeks ago Hibs had the 5th biggest budget in Scotland, behind Rangers, Celtic, Aberdeen and Hearts.
They recently got a £6 million boost from the Black Knight Group though, although at the moment it’s only a one off cash injection.
Monty has made mistakes, as all managers do…but I’m confident he’ll be there next season.
You are right though when you say making the top six is the absolute minimum expectation for Hibs, and not making it has not exactly endeared anybody at the club to the punters.
The punters were raging and had the pitchforks and torches out, but I can already detect a change in the mood and a thawing of the ‘sack the coach’ feeling.
Anyway, we’ll see what happens when the results of the current strategic review are known.


Well-Known Member
Jojo Wollacott is pretty shit ngl lol he butchered a pass that lead to the 2nd goal.

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
McGarry got a few minutes - he has mainly been spending 90 minutes riding the pine over the last few months and I would have been suggesting him as a Faz replacement had we not (reportedly) signed Mauragis.

I saw a shot of the kids goal from behind the goals and the large side stand was pretty empty. Either the Hibs fans hadn't turned up or they had all walked out early. It's all looking pretty grim for Monty


Well-Known Member
McGarry got a few minutes - he has mainly been spending 90 minutes riding the pine over the last few months and I would have been suggesting him as a Faz replacement had we not (reportedly) signed Mauragis.

I saw a shot of the kids goal from behind the goals and the large side stand was pretty empty. Either the Hibs fans hadn't turned up or they had all walked out early. It's all looking pretty grim for Monty
May have lost the dressing room when you see a performance like that.


Well-Known Member
I think it’s unfair and a bit ridiculous. But not at all unsurprising. While I feel massively for his family and for Sergio and Miguel, it’s a massive risk they took, knowing how brutal the league was.
To think he left us in the lurch and we got Jacko and won the AFC Cup and a Premiership and now he’s out of a job.
Weird turn of events.
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