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Other A League Games 2023/24

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I dont bother trying to estimate the crowd on normal match days I just see how my data is coping on Optus. If its bad the numbers are decent.
I am with them to. Was watching the girls vs WSW and as got closer to kick off the service stopped

At half time or after the game i don’t even bother. Especially the big games

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
MV get away with what should probably be a PK and RC...probably because referees don't want to make a big decision unless they absolutely, absolutely have to - which means defenders get away with fouls like that. It's bullshit. Clealry pulls a player as they're shooting.

It only encourages a dive - go down before the shot and you kind of force a decision.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
At this point we might need to investigate the ref to see if he's been paid to NOT give a card....

If the refs have been told to not do a f**king thing in the finals (as it's appearing), then SFC may as well bring out the chairs and crowbars tonight while Faghani just walks around the stadium bowing and signing autographs.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Phoenix are putting them under the pump. I doubt Miranda and Da Silva will have the stamina to last the full 90. They're being forced to do a LOT of running back.
MV just don't seem to have much going on in the final third. Same as last week. Get the ball vaguely near the box and somebody can take a shot, there's no real movement or passing to find that space. Nix looking more dangerous. MV should be on a couple of yellow cards already for just bear hugging players on breakaways. The absentee refereeing is certainly benefitting them, but I think Nix are looking more in control as long as they keep their heads.


Well-Known Member
MV just don't seem to have much going on in the final third. Same as last week. Get the ball vaguely near the box and somebody can take a shot, there's no real movement or passing to find that space. Nix looking more dangerous. MV should be on a couple of yellow cards already for just bear hugging players on breakaways. The absentee refereeing is certainly benefitting them, but I think Nix are looking more in control as long as they keep their heads.
He's got the under 3.5 yellow card market cornered.

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