I dont think we need to get on our rooftops and shout it to the world, because TW 'not being' the Coach is pretty much inevitable in my mind.
I can't see him Coaching us next season.
Our season was over 3-4 games ago, I - like many were resigned to this fact, some even earlier in the season based on our poor results.
Walmsley said he & the Club would be doing a thorough search for finding the next Coach of the Mariners at season's end of his stint as caretaker because of the 'Dross debacle.
As FFC Mariner shouted out numerous times tonite in my poor ear'ole
"Tony - you said you do a global search and all you came up with was yourself".
And to be fair he has a point.
Now whether that was due to Charlesworth reneg'ing on the 'Global Search' and 'we can't
afford a Coach of
that kind of quality' chat happening with TW to try and get the club back in the black, resulting in a nudge-nudge
"So you’ll HAVE TO DO" type of scenario seems more and more likely with every loss that's ticked by this year.
Compiling all this with signing 'kid's', some of whom are clearly not up to a full 90mins at this standard quite yet, signing 'others' that we
thought would be up to this standard BUT
are also dissapointingly not quite 90 min players.
As well as gambling on what I call 'second-chancers' in Stella, Heffernan & Fletcher, Roy'O could even be classed in that mix last coming from Indo & fcuking Brunei before that.
Oh and the Exodus ........ STILL PAYING players from the Exodus, as well as other former player's still getting paid and Coaches to boot ALL ADDS UP TO ..... "
you get what you pay for Mike"
I'm with Deej to some degree & FFC (who I've just noticed has posted as I typed this) in that
Tony's time is done, as unfortunate as it is. The TD role is where his future lies.
His tenure actually reminds me of Ian Crook at SYDFC, promoted from Assistant Coach (Youth before that) BUT Crook had the smarts to know he was in over his head & that his real talents were in developing Youth (which IS a valuable skill in itself) and not working with the end product.
Charlesworth NEEDS to find an alternative &
fast! & he needs to heed some wise words I've often heard many a time in fiscal situations, similar in nature to what Mike faces.
Charlesworth may say "he can't
afford to spend X dollars on this player or Y dollars on that player as well as spend Z dollars for that
kind of Manager"
The REAL question he needs to be asking himself is
"Can I afford NOT TO spend XYZ ! ? "
Unfortuntely for Mike, I think he's gonna have to 'buy' his way out of our's & his troubles.