We did well at the Wellington game, and the rain helped. Now we go to Newcastle needing to go to a new level.
Take note: this is what we're up against.
Luckily, we get to play on Sundays. That gives everyone a Saturday before each game to put some time and effort in.
Marinermum made 90 small yellow and navy flags for the Wellington game. It took her two days. That is dedication.
But if everyone just makes their own small (or large) flag, or banner, or streamers, or confetti, or hat, or whatever, the affect will far outweigh what you see above. That is our challenge!
The time to say 'someone else will do it' has passed. The next two weeks and beyond are the time to say 'I must do it!'
And don't forget your singing voices because we need to be loud again!
We are PREMIERS now let's rub it in their faces!
Banners/flags you are making and general firing up below!!! verhead: verhead:
Take note: this is what we're up against.
Luckily, we get to play on Sundays. That gives everyone a Saturday before each game to put some time and effort in.
Marinermum made 90 small yellow and navy flags for the Wellington game. It took her two days. That is dedication.
But if everyone just makes their own small (or large) flag, or banner, or streamers, or confetti, or hat, or whatever, the affect will far outweigh what you see above. That is our challenge!
The time to say 'someone else will do it' has passed. The next two weeks and beyond are the time to say 'I must do it!'
And don't forget your singing voices because we need to be loud again!
We are PREMIERS now let's rub it in their faces!
Banners/flags you are making and general firing up below!!! verhead: verhead: