What did Abebeyor get for celebrating in front of the away Arsenal fans, and should Jesic get anything similar for his stupidity last night after the second goal.
IMO this needs to be dealt with harshly especially with an FFA cup on the horizon. The last thing we need is someone like this celebrating a goal in front of opposing fans at say a Sydney United v Sydney FC or Victory v Melbourne Knights game.
I think this deserves a massive suspended fine for both player and club with the overiding message for the league being this is not ok. Somewhere in the vicinity of 10,000 for the player and times it by 2 for the club, suspended until second offence.
IMO this needs to be dealt with harshly especially with an FFA cup on the horizon. The last thing we need is someone like this celebrating a goal in front of opposing fans at say a Sydney United v Sydney FC or Victory v Melbourne Knights game.
I think this deserves a massive suspended fine for both player and club with the overiding message for the league being this is not ok. Somewhere in the vicinity of 10,000 for the player and times it by 2 for the club, suspended until second offence.