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Home Bay at SFS


Well-Known Member
mariners4evachamps said:
Marinators have been allocated in Bays 22/23/24

As stated on another thread .... Bays 22,23 and 26!! ... Bay 24 is a mezzanine level above Bay 20/21, and 25 above 27/8.

These have great views but are not for standing ... good for families if anyone is asking

The back half of Bay 23 is not available due to it being in the Marinators Club allocation.

Try to fill from the back of 26 and 22, or middle of 23


Well-Known Member
Holzy said:
behave yourselves in there

Why should we!?

It belonged to the Bay 23 boys and the Newcastle Flouros long before the Cove.  Marinermick might admit to being a Flouro!


Well-Known Member
Holzy said:




behave yourselves in there

Have you lot ever "behaved" in there? why should it be any different for us.  :p

Our preference would be for bluetongue but we may as well make the most of it while we are down there. I hear there is free cigars and cocktails down that end at sack me fc games, hopefully they treat us right too.  ;) ;D


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
kevrenor said:
Holzy said:
behave yourselves in there

Why should we!?

It belonged to the Bay 23 boys and the Newcastle Flouros long before the Cove.  Marinermick might admit to being a Flouro!

haha - flouros - so bright it hurt your eyes

I've still got the flouro 'suit'! I wonder if they make yellow ones. Would be great!


Well-Known Member
Holzy said:
better you lot than the rest of the league.... but still, it's an uncomfortable feeling.

LOL that's understandable, it would be like seeing the Cove in bays 15/16/17.

Bay 3 bar service is terrible when busy!


Holzy said:
better you lot than the rest of the league.... but still, it's an uncomfortable feeling.

Get used to it, the SFS isn't the first choice of ours either. But for the sake of Football and the chance to bring more people to the event, it's there.


Well-Known Member
I can half understand it - I wouldn't want other supporter groups in Bay 16 but unfortunately the FFA stuck us in SFS, and wherever the Mariners are - I will follow...


Well-Known Member
bakery5 said:
i got bay 23 row m
thats a good seat. Take care of our cove...
It will be a pirate bay for one day....
bay 23 is probally the best place for atmosphere and view in the whole stadium.
I hope the seating arrange ment keeps the singers together in a pack..
24.25 are cat A. They are mad spots.
I was there bay 25 back in that glorious sunday afternoon, of march 5, 2006.
Well u all can certainly remember the rest...


Well-Known Member
In Season 1 the Cove painted our dinosaur blue, so this time let's 'paint' Bay 23 YELLOW!!!!!

Ye-llow, yeah yellow,
Ye-llow, yeah yellow,
Ye-llow, yeah yellow,
Ye-llow, yeah yellow,



New Member
im in row 23 G...im hoping it wont be a repeat of the newcastle away game...please dont be soft and sit there in silence...get up and make some noise

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