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Very interesting article on the future of media broadcasting....
Pay television faces the big game changer
March 23, 2011
The deal that the AFL and NRL bosses strike over the next couple of weeks on the broadcasting rights of their respective codes will carbon date them.
To date the focus of attention has been the amount they will capture from the pay television provider Foxtel and the free-to-air networks.
But that is a very 2011 perspective - or a 2006 retrospective.
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Sure, free-to-air television is the means by which most of us view sports programs, while 25 per cent of us access them via pay television.
But the world is moving on. Only this week Google said it was negotiating with the National Basketball Association in the US, other sporting codes, movie-makers and even celebrities to buy content directly.
It was a sign of the times. Internet providers are becoming first line program suppliers. They are cutting out the middleman and offering consumers the opportunity to access the programs they want - for a (smaller) fee.
Sure, Australia is behind the US, but not by a huge amount.
And the gap is closing quickly.
Even today there are numerous ways that the Australian consumer can watch whatever television or first-release movie they want.
For the early adopters there are Apple TV, TBox and a myriad of other ways. All one needs to do is pay.
But the consumer does not need to pay $100 a month for a Foxtel or Austar subscription.
Around the world the new wave of content providers is evident. Here some will offer a menu via the internet and others via the copper or fibre network.
This phenomenon is still in its infancy, but in five years or less it won't be. When the sports rights come up for renegotiation the media landscape will be very different.
Thus bundled pay television services are now under threat - be it in the US or in Australia.
If you don't believe me, call up YouTube or Sony Television. Everyone is a content provider.
In Australia the growth in alternative sources of content delivery is going to be further enabled once the national broadband network is built and provides us with almost unlimited bandwidth.
Internet television won't have to use Telstra to get access to the home.
But back to the sporting rights.
This is the real bastion of pay television, and why the likes of the NRL and AFL will demand a big price from pay television providers. The footy blokes have plenty of cards and should drive a hard bargain.
Without sport, pay television would find it hard to differentiate its service. Most of the reruns of US network television are now readily available on the 16 free-to-air stations available.
Among OECD countries our pay-TV is the second most expensive and is already finding subscription rates have reached a peak.
If consumers migrate to web-based devices to watch just the sport they want, it will be cheaper than having to fork out for the Foxtel service.
And it will be only a matter of time before they work this out.
Yet little is said about the price that the sport internet rights may fetch. Perhaps $50 million to
$70 million over five years.
That may look reasonable today, but in five years it is my pick that this will look like a bargain.
The only issue holding back internet suppliers of programming in Australia is the lack of bandwidth - so the current signal will not be as reliable. The broadband network will change this.
Telstra is in the sticky position of having a horse in each race. As the 50 per cent shareholder in Foxtel and a supplier of internet television it will be competing against itself.
Oddly enough the free-to-air networks are not under the same degree of pressure as pay television.
The new digital channels have enhanced their audience reach and are taking some of the audience away from pay TV.
In a more immediate sense, the AFL broadcasting rights are being worked on this week. In earlier years Seven has been the lead bidder for free-to-air rights alongside Ten as a junior partner.
But right now the two networks are engaged in a nasty legal dispute over chief executive poaching - leaving one to wonder whether these differences can be put aside in the interests of pitching a united bid for the AFL.
- The federal government has finally woken up and made an announcement about the future governance of the Future Fund. It has not so much addressed the issues as put them on hold.
The chairman, David Murray, has been given another year - which renders him no more than a caretaker.
A couple of other directors, including Trevor Rowe, have left and a few new appointments have been made.
The outcome is hardly ideal. But it will give the fund, under Murray, the chance to see through the broadband network approval process.
Telstra's largest shareholder is the Future Fund, and as its chairman, Murray has voiced his scepticism about the merits of the telco's proposed deal with NBN Co.
With another year in the role, Murray will be able to steer the Future Fund on the vote on whether Telstra will par