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Coastie Crew 16 (again)

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Staff member
Ok so here goes. Personally not sure about the self-appointed "official" title, that will surely annoy some people. You can't just call yourself official and expect people to follow you. Anyhoo, good luck to them, hopefully we can have some good discussion.

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
There's absolutely nothing wrong that they are doing in regards to wanting to get the active back. Active has been in a dormant period for a couple of years no doubt. The results are a big part of that. Kids will come back to the bay if we start winning and the atmosphere will come back.

What some l think didn't get behind is calling it official and then making stuff with Yellow Army on it. While the initiative is fine, l think that the established guys deserve to know about anything called Yellow Army and make sure it's up to a standard that was set with our last run of merch which everyone enjoyed. If Yellow Army appears on stuff that people think is no good or aren't happy with, they come back to the established guys who will say ''that wasn't us'' and then everyone gets confused.

Establish a new brand with your own ideas and then in the future if that morphs into something new and exciting, we go with it.


Staff member
Sorry @adz couldnt help it

Nothing aimed at you mate, more annoyed at cc16 going through on the dislike button and not saying anything. They're probably (??) not with the group, although hard to tell because who knows who's involved anyway.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Nothing aimed at you mate, more annoyed at cc16 going through on the dislike button and not saying anything. They're probably (??) not with the group, although hard to tell because who knows who's involved anyway.
You wouldnt know them as they hardly ever go to home games :)
As It was mentioned they didn’t even know this forum existed. I’m sure if they want now they can come on here and introduce themselves.
The clubs backing them 100% and is happy to help them wherever possible
They’ve now started there own thing and are completely separate to the YA, the yellow army are no longer active so I don’t see the issue with them being the active support because that’s exactly what they will be doing.
But that’s just my input

Justin Cooney

Well-Known Member
To clear everything up we haven't "destroyed" ourselves because it wasn't our group behind the account. We have everything set up professionally, we only use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As mentioned before, i wanted the profile taken down because it doesn't represent our group.


Well-Known Member
To clear everything up we haven't "destroyed" ourselves because it wasn't our group behind the account. We have everything set up professionally, we only use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As mentioned before, i wanted the profile taken down because it doesn't represent our group.

It doesn’t help when your sister posts on this forum that a respected forum member ‘is a total dick”.
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Reactions: adz
It doesn’t help when your sister posts on this forum that a respected forum member ‘is a total dick”.
Wow seriously. As if over the years Pete hasn’t realised he’s a dick. He’s made
Some dick moves and so has everyone.
My opinions are mine anyways and don’t reflect those of the coastie crew.

What I’m still yet to understand why they’ve made it so hard for the new crew to come
Through. But I clearly know nothing and haven’t been around long enough.

What to do you want to nitpick next mick lol


Staff member
Youre not going to get any supporters on here like that. Keep it up and anything to do with cc16 will be banned and we'll go back to talking football. And whatever other random stuff. But not taking pot shots at Pete or anyone else.


Staff member
Also I really doubt the club said anything like YA is dead. There's a membership level called Yellow Army.

Not sure the point of making new names and new groups and all the crap that goes with it.

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
Wow seriously. As if over the years Pete hasn’t realised he’s a dick. He’s made
Some dick moves and so has everyone.
My opinions are mine anyways and don’t reflect those of the coastie crew.

What I’m still yet to understand why they’ve made it so hard for the new crew to come
Through. But I clearly know nothing and haven’t been around long enough.

What to do you want to nitpick next mick lol

Jesus Christ, no one has made it hard for them to come through. They can take over active duties, that's what they want to do and they have our blessing. What was not taken too kindly was calling themselves ''official'' and using ''Yellow Army'' on merch. The YA regulars like l said above deserve to know about anything with the YA name as it's a brand that's been used for years and these guys have been part of the fold using their own time and money creating merch and tifos. It's not a matter of them owning the brand, it's just a matter of respect. Why is this so hard to understand?


Well-Known Member
Wow seriously. As if over the years Pete hasn’t realised he’s a dick. He’s made
Some dick moves and so has everyone.
My opinions are mine anyways and don’t reflect those of the coastie crew.

What I’m still yet to understand why they’ve made it so hard for the new crew to come
Through. But I clearly know nothing and haven’t been around long enough.

What to do you want to nitpick next mick lol

What the f**k?? Yeah sick keep calling me out personally hey. What a load of shit.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, quick question for some clarification of what this chick is spouting:

.... how old is Cooney ?

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Wow seriously. As if over the years Pete hasn’t realised he’s a dick. He’s made
Some dick moves and so has everyone.
My opinions are mine anyways and don’t reflect those of the coastie crew.

What I’m still yet to understand why they’ve made it so hard for the new crew to come
Through. But I clearly know nothing and haven’t been around long enough.

What to do you want to nitpick next mick lol
wow. you are REALLY making 'coastie crew' look like a fantastic option that we all want to get behind. Absolutely, without a doubt.

And nobody made it hard for the 'new crew' to come. Stop f**king lying. your dishonesty has already been caught out and yet you don't have the integrity to take responsibility. Stop accusing people of shit for whatever little agenda you have. The ONLY issue which you've claimed is that accounts got caught up in spam prevention which the mod agreed to look into. Which you know. So enough with the BS accusations, abuse and blatant lying. If you have some issue with Peter, take it up with him personally or don't. Nobody is interested in your little personal beef and if that's your only reason for being on here, then do us and your dignity a favour and just go away.

That's on her and whoever it was aimed at, i'm just here to clear up the fact that the CC16 account on here wasn't anyone from our group.

You've said that you're setting everything up professionally, yet this marinerschick person is absolutely trashing your brand before it's started and doing her best work to destroy any possible relations with the long term supporters.

So, if you're talking about running things professionally, then you already have damage control to do. First from whoever it is that came on here for the sole purpose of antagonising us. second for marinerschick consistently lying and abusing one of the forum members, and third for the false claim of being an official supporters group, and fourth for using Yellow Army even though you claim you're stepping aside from that.

Now would be a really good chance for you to take some steps to go into damage control, protect your image, and tell us (as well as the fanbase on other social media platforms) just what you're about, what your plan is, why anybody should come on board, and why you've gone down the path of a new group rather than reinvigorate the Yellow Army.

I mean, you talk about setting things up professionally and mention you're across several social media platforms - that would have been a great opportunity for you to link those (although to be honest, I'd personally argue that's inappropriate without some sort of thread you've started discussing who you are and what you're about). Out of curiosity, I just searched 'coastie crew' on facebook. Not a single result. You're invisible. (I did manage to find it with the right google search though).

Honestly, this shit about being the official supporters group....you're not, and I'm pretty pissed off about the dishonesty there. It's bloody disrespectful, not just to the club but the other fans.

I'm not a lawyer but I think you would well be opening yourself up to some issues there.

And I'm not trying to be an arse to you - this is all constructive feedback
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Well-Known Member
Wow seriously. As if over the years Pete hasn’t realised he’s a dick. He’s made
Some dick moves and so has everyone.
My opinions are mine anyways and don’t reflect those of the coastie crew.

What I’m still yet to understand why they’ve made it so hard for the new crew to come
Through. But I clearly know nothing and haven’t been around long enough.

What to do you want to nitpick next mick lol
What the f**k?? Yeah sick keep calling me out personally hey. What a load of shit.

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